Sunday 14 February 2016

Welcome to the World of Rap and Faith!

Rap is not Pop, if you call it that then stop!

You maybe thinking what in the world has rap music, or Hip-Hop whatever you feel comfortable with using, has to do with religion or faith. It’s of course that form of music that advocates violence and EVEN the destruction of religion in the West, right Bill O’Reilly

But to me, Rap has more links to faith and religion than it will ever have to violence. And this is the aim of this blog – to peep, or explore is a better word, the relationship of faith and religion in Rap/Hip-Hop. The reasons are plenty, if you look at the genesis of the music you will no doubt see the religious foundations – whether that’s in the music or the movements.

And that’s what I meant by that line up at the top Rap is not Pop, if you call it that then stop! Obviously you and I know what the rapper Q-Tip meant by that, or else you’d probably peeping another blog but that one line will be a profound thing by the end of this blog. You’ll see how it’s so much more, you’ll see how it moved beyond the boundaries it was created in – the graffiti, the breakdancing and the rapping, you’ll see how it gave birth to new movements rooted in faith whether that was 5% nation of Islam rap movement or the black Gospel movement. You’ll also see the flipside to all this jazz, you’ll see how rap creeped into the dark side of cults and spirituality when the whole talk of the Illuminati running this music came into existence. Then finally we’ll touch on what the good old Billy O’Reilly spoke about…how Rap music is destroying faith in the West.

If anyone has any topics which they want me to explore then hit me up in the comments! Next up we’ll peep the foundations of this art form and how it has roots in the music of Gospel.


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